Counselling FAQs
- How do
I know which counsellor to choose?
about these things may take time. The important thing is to build
a trusting relationship with your counsellor so you feel in a safe
enough place to talk about your deepest thoughts.
- How
long do sessions last?
Each session is 50 minutes.
- How many
sessions will I need?
This is different for each individual. You
will probably know when it feels right for you to end therapy. We
can review your personal needs regularly.
- Do
I have to be in crisis to have therapy?
No. Many people come to therapy when they are in a crisis
situation. However, therapy can be a place simply to explore what
it is that makes you the unique person that you are.
- What
can I expect from counselling?
I will provide a confidential and safe space for you to explore whatever
you wish including feelings, hopes and fears. I aim to build a trusting
relationship with you and help you in this exploration. I will not
tell you what to do but help you to look at your choices.